Why Sports Rights Holders Sometimes Need a Little Brand Consultancy Magic: Lessons from UK Brand Partnerships

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it's that sports aren't just about scoring goals, making baskets, or crossing the finish line first anymore. It's also about brands, big bucks, and finding ways to amplify messaging beyond the confines of the playing field. And, mate, it's been a wild journey seeing our favourite UK athletes and clubs team up with brands. But why are brand consultants suddenly the fairy godmothers of these partnerships?

Let’s break it down, one pub banter at a time.

1. The Ever-Evolving Consumer:

Remember the days when you'd just rock up in front of the telly and catch a football game? Now, we’ve got Twitter streams, Instagram Stories, TikToks and who knows what's next! The point is: the way fans engage has shifted drastically. This is where brand consultants come in. They have a sixth sense about where the eyeballs are and how to engage them effectively. Think of Liverpool’s partnership with Nivea. It isn't just about sticking a logo on a billboard anymore; it’s that perfectly timed ad where James Milner moisturises after a gruelling match. And that, my friend, speaks volumes to the modern consumer.

2. The Power of the Right Match:

For every Beckham and Adidas, there’s a mismatched partnership that makes you scratch your head and say, “What were they thinking?” A brand consultant is like that friend who stops you from making questionable fashion choices. With deep insights into both the sporting and brand worlds, they can facilitate matches made in sponsorship heaven.

Case in point: Anthony Joshua and Under Armour. That collaboration wasn’t just a fluke; it was a calculated alignment of brand values and narratives. That’s some real behind-the-scenes wizardry from brand consultants.

3. The Art of Storytelling:

It's all well and good getting an athlete to wear a branded cap, but it's another thing entirely to weave an engaging narrative around it. Brand consultants are master storytellers. Remember when Man City partnered with Tinder and had a massive blimp fly around Manchester? That wasn’t just a 'cool idea'. It was a story about global connectivity and inclusive fan engagement. And let’s be honest, it was a blimmin' brilliant move.

4. Diversifying Revenue Streams:

Here’s where the moolah comes in. With dwindling ticket sales (thanks, 2020!), clubs and athletes have had to rethink how they make their cash. Enter brand partnerships. But how do you ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck? Again, cue brand consultants. Their knack for identifying the most lucrative opportunities – think eSports, virtual reality, or sustainable product lines – is unmatched.

5. Protection Against Scandals:

No one likes a PR disaster. But let’s face it, sports are rife with them. A brand consultant isn’t just there to boost an image but to protect it. They can advise on the risks associated with potential partnerships. That way, clubs and athletes don't end up, metaphorically, with egg on their face.

6. Keeping It Fresh:

Brands evolve. So do sports. And the partnership of yesteryear might not be as shiny and impactful today. A brand consultant is like a personal shopper, always looking out for the latest trends and ensuring clubs and athletes aren't stuck in a branding rut.

For example, when Tottenham Hotspur teamed up with Dulux, it wasn't just about paint. It was about community, reinvention, and bringing vibrancy back to the game (and the stadium!).

7. Creating Longevity:

In the age of short attention spans and even shorter-lived viral trends, ensuring a partnership stands the test of time is crucial. It's not just about the launch hype but maintaining momentum. And this is where the brand consultant’s strategic genius really shines.

Take Marcus Rashford's partnership with Burberry. This wasn’t just a fleeting campaign. They tapped into community, youth empowerment, and societal change. It’s a partnership with legs – and not just because Rashford's got some impressive ones.

8. Data, Data, Data:

We live in a world where you can measure everything – from online sentiments to brand engagement metrics. But who's going to sift through all that data? You guessed it: brand consultants. They don't just look at numbers; they read between the lines to fine-tune partnerships.

Look, we're living in a world where sports and branding are intertwined like never before. And as our favourite UK clubs and athletes look to engage with us in more profound, more meaningful ways, they need a guiding hand. That guiding hand? A brand consultant's. They’re not just making partnerships; they’re crafting legacies. So, next time you see a killer campaign or a surprising brand collab, tip your hat to the unsung heroes: the brand consultants who saw the bigger picture.


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